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Leprosy Screening Camp Detects 8 Patients

In February 2024, INF Nepal’s outreach team held two leprosy screening camps in Kapilvastu’s Maharajgunj Municipality, screening 440 people. Eight suspected cases were identified for Multi-Drug Therapy, and seven biopsies were conducted. Various skin conditions were also treated. Local leaders, including Mayor Aftab Alam, commended INF Nepal’s efforts in addressing these critical healthcare needs.

  • 1:26 min


INF Nepal conducted leprosy screening camps in two health posts of Maharajgunj Municipality in Kapilvastu on 14 and 15 February 2024. The Community Medical Outreach team of Green Pastures Hospital conducted the camp in close collaboration with the district health office, Kapilvastu.

The camps were organised at the Udaypur Health Post of Ward No. 5 and Shisawa Health Post of Ward No. 9, which saw 440 individuals (212 male and 228 female). Among them, eight individuals were suspected of leprosy cases, needing immediate initiation of Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT), while seven underwent biopsies for further diagnosis.

Various skin conditions were addressed during the camp, highlighting the diverse healthcare needs within the community, including Multibacillary leprosy, type-1 reaction, tinea, eczema, dryness, planta, allergy, scabies, and vitiligo.

The camps were led by a medical team from Green Pastures Hospital, including a dermatologist and lab technologist, supported by a community outreach team and coordinated by the local INF team of Kapilvastu Branch Office.

The primary objective of leprosy screening medical camp is to proactively detect and diagnose individuals suffering from leprosy within a community or population. Identify individuals with early signs and symptoms of leprosy, allowing for prompt treatment initiation and prevention of further transmission and prevention from grade two disability.

Mayor Aftab Alam of Maharajgunj Municipality thanked the INF team, acknowledging their dedication to addressing neglected issues within Kapilvastu.

We are also thankful to the local officials, including Mayor Abdul Kalam, Ward Chairperson of Ward No. 9 Pharid Ahamud Muhammad, Leprosy Focal Person of Maharajgunj municipality Radheshyam Kalwar, Health Unit In-charge Iswari Prasad Neupane, and Chief of the Health Office in Kapilbastu Narayan Prasad Chaudhary for all their support and collaboration. Their positive assessment affirmed the programme’s effectiveness in addressing crucial healthcare needs within the community.

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